Computer Science




Overview of website development is the skill of creating presentation of content (usually hypertext or hypermedia) that is delivered to an end-over through the world-wide web, using a web browser or other web enabled software. The intent of website development is to create a website – a collection of electronic document and applications that resides on a web server/servers.In a bid to successfully carry out a transaction receipt generating The website may include text, images, sounds and other contents and may be interactive.The observed poor academic performance of some Nigerian students (tertiary and secondary) in recent times has been partly traced to inadequacies of the National University Admission Examination System. It has become obvious that the present process is not adequate for selecting potentially good students. Hence there is the need to improve on the sophistication of the entire system in order to preserve the high integrity and quality. It should be noted that this feeling of uneasiness of stakeholders about the traditional admission system, which is not peculiar to Nigeria, has been an age long and global problem. Kenneth Mellamby (1956) observed that universities worldwide are not really satisfied by the methods used for selecting undergraduates. While admission processes in many developed countries has benefited from, and has been enhanced by, various advances in information science and technology, the Nigerian system has yet to take full advantage of these new tools and technology. Hence this study takes an scientific approach to tackling the problem of admissions by seeking ways to make the process more effective and efficient. Specifically the study seeks to explore the possibility of using an Artificial Neural Network model to predict the performance of a student before admitting the student The project was in five chapters, which were carried out by critically, relevant literatures and the existing method employed

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