
Expositions on the Main Body of Final Year Research Project

Expositions on the Main Body of Final Year Research Project


The background to the study of a research project are required to provides background information to the study and by so doing situates the context of the problem the researcher is been investigate on. However, it describes how the variables in the topic are related.

Here, the researcher is expected to demonstrate a very good understanding of the subject by providing a brief historical antecedent of the subject and the trends of current occurrences in the subject. In other words, it is a description of historical antecedent of the phenomena under study, efforts made at addressing them and how they succeeded or failed.

More so, the basic thrust of the background to the study in research project is basically to help the researcher to effectively prove to the reader (supervisor) that he/she understand the relevance of the research been investigated.


Firstly, the background of your study should start by defining those variables in the research topic; this will basically enlighten your reader to believe that you already have in depth knowledge about the topic.

Secondly, You’re to gather enough relevant literature or other scholarly works and journal articles. While scanning through the relevant literature which you have gathered so far, be mindful while copying quotes verbatim, Endeavour to cite your source properly to avoid plagiarism.

Thirdly, your background should be critical, focused, and logically structured. Do not deviate from the topic under investigation.

Finally, in your wording, be succinct and specific enough. Your advice to clearly state the brief historical background of the study.

Statement of the problem

Many researchers (students) are being faced with critical challenges while attempting to draft an acceptable statement of the problem in their research project hence this article tends to help this ridiculous problem by providing a clear guideline on how to write statement of the problem.

Statement of the problem focuses on the research problem the study is investigating on. The statement of the problem are meant to flow logically from the information provided in the background of the study. In support of this, Unaka (2000) concurred that once the topic is discussed accordingly, the actual problem statement logically follows. It is pertinent to note that the statement of the problem in a research work must be argumentative, declarative, and historically analytical.


  1. Provide a clear statement that the problem exists,

2. Provide an evidence that supports the existence of the problem,

3. Provide evidence of an existing trend that has led to the problem,

4. Provide a probable causes related to the Problem.

Research Problem

Formulating a good research question in research project is very important because it is the research questions that shapes the study been investigated on.

The research question is drawn from the statement of the problem. Succinctly put, research question is the statement of the problem reduced in question form. They are derived from the broad problems already stated .the researcher should be able to zero down the narrative to the research question asking the “what” “how” or to what extent.

A standard research questions for university or polytechnic should range from three and above.

Note that it is also advisable that the number of the researcher question should be a manageable one that would make the researcher report less voluminous. Also note that the role of the research questions is to reduce the problem to a researchable (i.e clearly observed and/or measurable) level.